
Agriculture: The Modern Family Farm



One of the joys of being a master procrastinator is that it provides so many occasions to rejoice when you finally do something that's been put off for too long. This weekend, when perfect late spring weather is forecast, I hope to rejoice in finally tackling, nearly three years after it should have been done, the painting of the barn. I cannot really take credit for finally moving on the project. It is a return visit from my friend Matt, and his decision that the time has come to finally get the painting done, which is the impetus. Not for nothing has he earned the moniker Macho Matt, for seeking out projects that take major effort and give maximal effect. Matt is not alone in this regard. I relied on my friend Paul (who I've decided is the maven of all things electrical and mechanical) to help dig the trench that brought electricity to the barn. I've repeatedly schlepped Steve up from the City to care for the animals when I must depart the farm, because I know I can trust his caring intuition to spo