Classic Flow

Finding Sweet Balance



This strong sequence of balance poses is all about moving from your centre - uddiyana bandha - to find equilibrium even when things feel a bit upside down. Your mat is fertile ground to explore this balancing act, to find ease amongst the effort, and softness in your strength. Maybe you can carry this feeling off the mat and into your daily life? Maybe your own exploration of balance in this class can echo the sweet balance you’ll hear in the music, between the resonant strum of the guitar strings, and the warm, penetrating breath of the shakuhachi.   Music composed and recorded especially for Classic Flow, performed on guitar by Steve Allen and shakuhachi by Riley Lee.  Sorrow Phillip Houghton arr.  Steve Allen (9:07)  Just Another Day Steve Allen (10:05)  Nature’s Mirages Sally Greenaway (4:51)  The Legend of the River Red Gum Richard Charlton (10:45)  Hear more beautiful music on ABC Classic  Follow Classic Flow on Instagram @classicflow_yoga   Get in