Apostle Sydney Quaye

Spiritual Realities - Mind Renewal



Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Spiritual realities are truths, facts, or things in the WORD, which relate to GOD (Spirit), Angels (both good and evil), and men. In redemption, God purchased the believer by the blood of JESUS. He recreated the spirit of the believer and made our body his temple. However, when it comes to the soul, God gave the believer the sole duty to renew his mind and offer it to God. In this message, Apostle touches on the soul by explaining the phenomenal capacity of the mind. He offers an understanding into the two levels of mind renewal and gives a step-by-step guide on how to engage the process of renewing the mind for victorious living. Become enlightened as you learn the power of mind renewal and become renewed in your mind.