Kevin Whitsitt

Is High Ticket Affiliate Offers Worth It?



Click on the link below for the full post.  Hey, wutz going on.   This affiliate marketing stuff really is just a math business right? How many $20 dollar offers do you have to sell in order to sell 1 $1,000 offer?    The answer is 50. Having a few high ticket items can help you put the numbers in your favor.  No matter what you do the money is thinking long term right? How can we think long-term in affiliate marketing?   1 way is with a list and using email. With email, you can promote multiple offers to 1 person in the future and you own the list.    I like the idea of starting with small ticket items upfront, this is like going for a date with coffee right? Maybe sprinkle in some CPA offers where someone just needs to enter an email or download an app and you get paid.   Next, I love residual income offers where you do the work 1 time and can get paid well into the future