Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Podcast Episode 5: What's your purpose in life and what's holding you back from achieving it? A conversation with Jennifer Longmore



This episode is going help you clarify your purpose and stay on track to accomplish it…Jennifer Longmore calls herself an extroverted introvert. In fact many people in the world who are out doing big things are introverts, she says. In this episode, Jennifer discusses how inner tendencies and fears can actually be an energy source to propel you forward to achieve your purpose in life. Through this interview session, Jennifer explains the cues to look for in determining how to know if you’re living the life you were meant to have.Most people want to know what am I here to do? What is my purpose in life? The truth is, Jennifer says, they already know what their purpose is and they have everything inside of them to create an amazing life. The issue is, once acknowledged, the person has to get honest and do something about it. They are reluctant to take the next step. They fear that they won’t be supported, or won’t know what to do once they get started. They don’t know how to clear away the blocks so they can li