Success Smackdown Live With Kat

Podcast Episode 3: How To Find Your Purpose



Repeat after me: "I commit to living on purpose and with passion."Action taking. Dreaming bigger than big. Making. Shit. Happen. You have one life to live and you must be committed to living with purpose and in pursuit of your passion.Imagine starting your mornings, willingly and naturally, before the alarm clock even goes off.  Remember that excitement you felt as a kid every Christmas morning?  That feeling that made you leap out of bed and run down the stairs?  You can have that again.  You can have that Christmas-morning-excitement pumping through your veins every day of the year.  The key to it all is to find and pursue that one thing that you're really passionate about and live a life of true purpose and meaning.But how do you find your passion? And what is purpose?Finding your passion may be easier than you think.  Our days are filled with required, often mundane, activities - doing the laundry, picking the kids up from school, making breakfasts and lunches and dinners and washing all of