Media Roots

Ep 3: Terrence McKenna, Ott, DMT, Pharmahuasca, Heroic Dosing, Utopianism & the Entheogen New Age



Media Roots Radio on Psychedelics: Episode 3: Terrence McKenna, Ott, DMT, Pharmahuasca, Heroic Dosing, Utopianism & the Entheogen New Age Abby and Robbie dive into the psychonauts that repopularized psychedelics in the 80s and 90s, focusing on the brilliant visionary riddler Terrence McKenna and his wild theories––from Stoned Ape to TimeWave Zero––his promotion of heroic dosing, his mainstreaming of DMT and the notion of DMT 'machine elves.' They explore the complicated nature of McKenna's legacy, including the pitfalls of the utopianism that he and others elevated about heroic dosing. They also cover the lesser known Johnathan Ott, a chemist who coined the term entheogen and pushed for the production of a Pharmahuasca, a pharmaceutical pill version of Ayahuasca. This is Episode 3 of an ongoing series on Psychedelic History, Episodes 1-4 are availible now. Patreon subscribers at the $5 tier get access to Episode 4 of the series: Next: Episode 4: When Microsoft Employee #9