Empowered Couples

Repairing Resentments- Big or Small, They Need to be Dealt With: Episode 231



You probably don’t actively think “I have some resentment building up toward my partner”. Resentment is a little like putting small amounts of sand into a backpack over time. You might not notice the weight of the sand in the beginning. Then as time goes on, you might not even notice that the backpack now weighs 50lbs because you’ve gotten used to it over time.  But resentment is a very unhealthy attitude and feeling toward your partner that will lead to a relationship ending if not dealt with. OK, so even if you are not there yet, the underlying feeling of resentment creates a block to intimacy, fulfillment, and making any progress in your relationship. It can feel like you’ve been wronged, a sense of bitterness, or being checked out.  In this episode you will hear about how to better identify the early signs of resentment building as well as the empowering way to release, let go, and be able to create a new future of connection and being a team.   Resources For Your Relationship: UNTIL THE 5 SPOTS ARE GONE.