Conscious Soul Growth With Molly Mccord

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of May 25 to June 1



The Sun in Gemini opens up our choice, options, and potentials, yet there is a deep reprogramming occurring within us as Mercury retrograde in Taurus interacts with big energetic influences through Pluto, Neptune, and the Pleiadean degree points. Evolving our perceptions is key right now, as well as looking at what we can do differently or better in our communications of all kinds. Mars is now inspired in Aries and makes a conjunction with Jupiter in Aries at 3 degrees on May 29, which could be a big energy day to work with consciously. Venus enters Taurus on May 28, a beautiful invitation to stabilize what is true for you and own your personal standards. The Gemini New Moon on May 30 supports putting new idea, projects, and adventures into motion even if we do not see the full picture or have all of the details figured out just yet. More to share in this week’s podcast.   ~ June 2022 Soul Growth Astrology - Discover how the energies of June 2022 are going to be significant in your life by following along w