Kessler Foundation Disability Rehabilitation Research And Employment

Researching novel approaches for treating neuropathic pain and chronic fatigue - Ep39



Fast Takes - Ep39 Read the transcript at Historically, it was believed that the brain stopped growing after childhood. We now know the contrary to be true. Neuroscience has confirmed that our brains change throughout our lives, from birth to death. The brain’s ability to rewire its circuitry and make adaptive changes, known as neuroplasticity, is why recovery after injury is possible. But much about neuroplasticity is not well understood. Our researchers are using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and real-time neurofeedback capabilities to conduct several novel pilot studies. Their goal is to correlate changes in the brain to changes in behavior and function. In this episode, Joan Banks-Smith, Creative Producer for Kessler Foundation, spoke with three researchers about their latest studies (see specific list below