Silent Film Music By Ben Model

ep. 47: accompanying The Patsy, The Cameraman, and Gilbert Gottfried



In this episode: Ben trusts his instincts and has a little magic happen during a show of "The Patsy"; makes a decision and tries something new when it comes to using a "characteristic" musical mode in scoring Keaton's "The Cameraman" and "The General"; pays tribute to Gilbert Gottfried and talks about getting to do a comedy bit with him when Ben was a guest on Gilbert's Amazing Colossal Podcast in 2021; pulls back to help the audience zoom in for a tender moment in "The Cameraman"; plus performance clips from shows at St. Francis College and the Oxford Community Center; and a teaser for a bonus episode (no. 48), in which podcast co-host Kerr Lockhart interviews the Paragon Ragtime Orchestra's Rick Benjamin Show notes for episode 47 can be found here.