Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep444 Friction



We want growth. We are hardwired to progress and move forward. Some of you are built to DreamBIG while others like to keep it safe and avoid change, but you still crave growth. This episode we go DEEEEP into the concept of adding friction to your life for the sake of growth. You cant grow without effort, stress and a little friction. Friction can create unwanted blisters which turn to calluses which allow you to handle more friction. You have to choose the type of friction that will illicit the right kind of growth. You have to earn those calluses and this podcast will give you the tools to do just that! Enjoy It! Need guidance and mentorship to help you accomplish your DreamBIG? Simply fill out this application or if you want more information go to Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here: Fitness Level 3 is May 6-8th Want to buy so