This Endolife

S2 Episode14: Learning To Love Your Body and Intuitive Eating with Pandora Paloma of Rooted London



Pandora Paloma is a holistic nutritionist, life coach, yoga teacher and founder of Rooted London. After dealing with deep issues around her body and self-worth, Pandora embarked on a journey of healing, that saw her learn how to love herself again and how to listen to her body and take better care of it. Her experience inspired her to reach out to other women and support them to create positive relationships with themselves, especially with their bodies. She now supports female clients with endometriosis, infertility, eating disorders, PCOS, hormone conditions and various others. Through her unique approach to nutrition and health, Pandora encourages women to create an intuitive relationship with their bodies, where they're not only guided by the advice of Pandora as a nutritionist, but they learn to become aware of and respond to what the body and mind need. Pandora's work is largely focused on self-love empowerment, and her support doesn't end at nutrition. Pandora is all about looking at our entire lives