This Endolife

S2 Episode 18: Crystal Healing and Self-Care Rituals with Wolf Sister



You can't go on to Instagram these days without seeing a picture or story of a gorgeous sparkling crystal. Crystals are big these days, and it's easy to go and buy a couple without knowing why, except for the fact that they look really, really pretty in your bedroom. You might have heard of terms like 'crystal healing' or 'crystal therapy' and wondered what the hell it is or maybe wondered if they could help you deal with some of the emotional or even physical issues that come with endo. So today, I'm talking with Tamara a.ka. Wolf Sister, about crystal healing and self-care rituals. Firstly, massive disclaimer here: crystal healing is not a cure for endometriosis. We know there isn't a cure, but as I always say, everyone is welcome to mange their endometriosis in the ways that suit them. And if you feel called to crystals to help you deal with depression, anxiety or maybe life with chronic pain, I want to give you the information to get the most out of crystal healing. I met Wolf-Sister a year or two ago w