This Endolife

What To Do If The 'Endometriosis Diet' Triggers Disordered Eating, Part 1 with Molly Roberson of The Endo Expert



The wonderful Molly Roberson is a Registered Nutritional Therapist, specialising in endometriosis - and you may in fact know her as The Endo Expert. Molly began experiencing symptoms as soon as her periods began, and they only worsened as the years went by. Finally, after continuous dismissal, doctors settled on the conclusion that it was likely to be endometriosis. Rather than going for a laparoscopy, Molly, who was already studying nutritional therapy by this point, went away and did her own research, and began managing her symptoms alone. However, the deeper she went into managing endo, the more complex the diet protocols, and Molly found herself unhappy and eating a highly restrictive diet. As her stress levels and anxiety around her diet went up, so did her pain. Eventually, after she reached breaking point in the middle of a supermarket, Molly went back to basics and followed a general anti-inflammatory diet - eliminating dairy, sugar and gluten. She relaxed, and began enjoying her food again - and he