This Endolife

What To Do If The 'Endometriosis Diet' Triggers Disordered Eating with Molly Roberson of The Endo Expert, Part 2



Molly Roberson is a Registered Nutritional Therapist, specialising in endometriosis and founder of The Endo Expert. Last week, Molly and I dived into her story of endometriosis, and her experience with eating for endometriosis. We discussed how the changes she made began to become obsessive, and Molly felt she was losing her joy of not just food, but life, as her eating habits become more and more rigid. In the second and final part of our interview, we talk about what to do if the ‘endometriosis diet’ triggers disordered eating behaviours for you and how you can eat for endometriosis healthily whilst still enjoying your food. Molly was such a delight to talk to, and I’m sure you’re going to love this interview! Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook or sign up to my newsletter. If you feel like you need more support with managing endometriosis, you can join Your EndoLife Coaching Programme. A 1-to-1 three month health and life coaching programme to help you thrive with end