This Endolife

Getting Pregnant with Endometriosis: Optimising Fertility Through Nutrition with Stefanie Valakas of The Dietologist



When you read about endometriosis in the media, often the biggest headline is that it causes infertility. We hear more about the struggles than we do about the success stories, and we’re often told to get pregnant soon - whether we want or are ready for children or not. The media, the mixed information and varying personal accounts can often leave us feeling confused. So what are the statistics behind endometriosis and infertility? Endometriosis is associated with a 30%-50% prevalence of infertility - but just because someone struggles to get pregnant, doesn’t mean they’ll never be able to conceive. When I discovered Stefanie Valakas, I knew I had to get her on the show. Stefanie is a accredited Dietician and Nutritionist specialising in supporting couples to optimise their fertilty and nourish their young families into childhood. She is the founder of The Dietologist, where she works with people living with PCOS, endometriosis and other hormonal conditions, to create a healthy foundation to conceive from,