This Endolife

Reduce Fatigue, Endometriosis Symptoms and Oestrogen Dominance with A Better Breakfast



This episode is another special one where I share with you guys what’s been going on in my year long Facebook challenge and what we’re working on during Endometriosis Awareness Month. In March, we’re reducing fatigue, endometriosis symptoms and even oestrogen dominance with one simple step - balancing blood sugar at breakfast. Why is this important? So. Many. Reasons. But here's a quick breakdown. Stable blood sugar levels in turn stabilises energy levels and helps to combat those big swings, especially those slumps where we could just fall asleep at our desks. Stable blood sugar helps to reduce and regulate inflammation - key for managing endo and chronic inflammation can also cause fatugue and brain fog. Imbalanced blood sugar creates crazy hormones - low progesterone and high oestrogen levels. Low progesterone causes symptoms like irregular cycles, anxiety, depression, migraines and irritability. High levels of oestrogen or oestrogen dominance can actually progress the growth of endometriosis and cause