This Endolife

Endometriosis Work Accommodations: What We're Entitled To and What Still Needs to Change with Vickie Williams



Vickie Williams is a Women’s Health Researcher and Tedx speaker currently completing her PhD in Endometriosis at Work and Menstrual Policy, and you may remember her from the podcast two years earlier, where we talked all about yoga and reiki for endometriosis. In today’s episode Vickie and I discuss - Vickie’s personal experience of endometriosis in her career. The current experience and challenges of people with endometriosis at work. The current support available (government level and organisation level) and ways to manage endometriosis in the workplace. What other support and policy changes are needed to help people working with endometriosis e.g. what employers could do and menstrual policy. Tips for those of you struggling with endo at work right now. I am so fascinated by Vickie’s work and think it’s absolutely essential that more is done to support people with endometriosis at work. I hope you find this conversation helpful, informative and hopeful - and at a time where so much