This Endolife

Managing Endometriosis: Where to Start



I’ve recently been speaking to my endometriosis community on Facebook and Instagram and a lot of people tell me they don’t know where to start when it comes to managing endometriosis naturally or holistically. They’re constantly Googling the best natural treatments for endometriosis, are reading the latest books and are keeping up to date with endometriosis blogs, but feel totally overwhelmed and anxious about where to start. It feels like there are so many options to try, and they often don’t know which order to try them in. So I jumped on to FB Live for a group coaching session answering one of these questions, specifically: “How do you deal with the anxiety and overwhelm of there being so many things to "try" for endo. I feel like there's so many options out there which require trial and error. There's only so much time/money/energy/motivation, and I get so overwhelmed.” So in this episode I talk about how to identify which options, including - What I start with in the clinic with my endometriosis clients