This Endolife

A Meditation for Endometriosis



In this episode, mindfulness teacher Kate McGoey takes us through a calming meditation for endometriosis. I know it’s been a rough few weeks through COVID19 and stress, anxiety and fear can all lead to heightened pain signals, so a few Saturdays ago I held an Instagram Live where I took us all through a calming morning routine to reduce and anxiety, wrap our brain in safety signals and thus ease pain. So many of you have said to me that you loved the live and I asked if you’d like it in a permanent podcast episode, and you all said yes! So I’m splitting it up into a few chunks as it was a long 2 hours, and I’m starting with this conversation and mindfulness meditation for pain from Kate. In this episode, Kate and I talk about - How the stress of COVID19 can affect our wellbeing and our endometriosis pain levels How meditation can change our experience of pain And Kate takes us through a beautiful meditation you can actually try out whilst you’re listening to this episode! Please note that Ka