This Endolife

A Morning Routine For Endometriosis



Recently I did an Instagram and Facebook Live endometriosis self-care morning, with meditation, pelvic floor stretches, a gratitude practice, intention setting and a q&a. This Live was all about calming down the brain, so that our pain signals reduce and we have less endometriosis flare ups and less pain in general. I felt like it was such an important time to do this, given that we’re currently in a situation where so many of us are experiencing fear, stress and anxiety. When the brain is stressed, it goes on hyper-alert and reacts in an exaggerated way to everything and anything that could be a perceived threat - including our endometriosis. So you may have noticed that recently, your periods are even more painful, or perhaps you’re getting daily pain when you didn’t before. If this is you - think about your stress/fear/anxiety levels, it’s likely they’ve been pretty high of late. So I took us through a morning routine for endometriosis, one that would help calm our brains down and wrap our minds in safet