This Endolife

What Happened on My Low Oxalate and Low Histamine Elimination Diet for Interstital Cystitis



Interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome has been dubbed the evil twin of endometriosis, and often goes undiagnosed because the pain from the two in the pelvic can sometimes overlap and blur. I only realised that the bladder issues I was experiencing weren’t endo related when my endo symptoms resolved after I changed my diet. Over the years, my bladder pain has only worsened and has now evolved to that point where I experience pain pretty much 247. Histamines and oxalates can sometimes be behind bladder pain, and so this led me down a path of trying an elimination diet under the guidance of a nutrition at the start of this year. I started sharing my story on IG, but as the story unfolded, I decided it would be better to go quiet on the matter and share it once I was on the other side. So finally - I’m ready to talk! In today’s episode I discuss - The symptoms I was experiencing which motivated me to seek further help and try an elimination diet. Oxalates and histamines, what they are and wh