This Endolife

Cycle Syncing Your Exercise Routine for Endometriosis and Chronic Fatigue with Jenni Hulburt of WILD Wellness



Maybe you want to exercise with endometriosis but you find your fatigue overwhelms you. Perhaps you’re not sure whether you should exercise on your period. Or maybe you’re worried about the impact of exercise on chronic pain? Today I’m talking to Jenni Hulburt of WILD Wellness, the fitness specialist who is helping women and people with periods to live and sweat in sync with nature.  After Jenni’s own experience with HPA axis dysfunction and burnout, she began listening to her body and decided to apply her knowledge of fitness and exercise to the natural rhythms and wisdom of nature. With a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science and Masters in Sport Psychology, Jenni is the ideal guest to talk to us about exercising with endometriosis and how to move our body whilst listening to its signs and signals, and moving in harmony with our menstrual cycles. In today’s episode Jenni and I talk about - What over-training can do to your hormone levels and how cortisol can affect everything from your sleep to your