This Endolife

Caffeine, Your Hormones and Endometriosis



Ah caffeine. That legal drug which apparently 90% of the world is consuming, which is pretty interesting when you consider the impact it has on our hormones and endometriosis. We’ve talked about caffeine and endometriosis before, but today I’m sharing an updated version on the subject as well as my own personal tips and experiences with reducing my caffeine intake. This is an exert from a Facebook Live I did in my Owning This EndoLife Challenge Facebook group - a safe space where each month you can learn new methods for reducing your endometriosis symptoms and thriving with endo. Here are some key takeaways from the episode: Caffeine causes blood sugar spikes, and if you were with us during March, you'll know how important stable blood sugar is for balanced hormones and endometriosis management. Read up on it all here. Whilst it's not an inflammatory for everyone, caffeine is an inflammatory for many of us. Higher levels of inflammation in our bodies mean worsening pain levels - not to mention a ho