This Endolife

Diet and Natural Treatment Options for Interstitial Cystitis and Bladder Pain with Elisabeth Yaotani of IC Wellness



If you have endometriosis, it’s pretty like you have bladder pain or bladder problems too. Many us struggle with frequency, urgency, bladder pressure, bladder pain and chronic UTIs without much hope of resolution when we go and see our doctor. Elisabeth Yaotani experienced this for over a decade of her life. For years, her bladder pain and symptoms worsened despite undergoing the standard medical treatment for interstitial cystitis. Finally, she stumbled upon some alternative healing strategies and for the first time in 10 years, began to see symptom reduction. Today, she is the founder of IC Wellness. A digital space providing community, resources, education and services to put your IC into remission. In this episode, Elisabeth and I discuss: What interstitial cystitis is and the key symptoms. The root causes and associated conditions. The conventional approach to IC treatment and how that varies from the functional medicine approach. Her own story of healing. Her version of the IC diet