This Endolife

A Holistic Healing Plan for Endometriosis



It’s the 100th episode! To celebrate I’m sharing the foundation steps I take with my clients to create their personalised holistic healing plan for endometriosis. I’ve developed this approach after spending seven years working with the endo community and on my own healing journey, and studying with leading specialists such as Dr Jessica Drummond and Dr Allison Siebecker. I hope by sharing some of my core steps, it’ll help you navigate your own healing journey and give you a foundation on which to build your own plan. In this episode I share some of my main areas of focus when creating an endo healing plan: Nutrition for endometriosis - ant-inflammatory eating, foods for hormones and blood sugar Gut healing - removing trigger foods, getting to the root problem and gut recovery Restoration - optimising sleep, managing stress and recovering from HPA axis dysfunction Detoxification pathways - hydrate, heal gut, remove toxins Structural support - visceral manipulation, pelvic floor physiotherapy, good surgery