This Endolife

Your Brain on Pain - How Your Nervous System Affects Interstitial Cystitis and Endo Pain with Dr. Nicole Cozean



Dr. Nicole Cozean is the pelvic floor physiotherapist who is changing the way we think about and treat pelvic floor disorders and pelvic pain - and lucky for us, interstitial cystitis is her passion area. Dr. Nicole Cozean is the owner of Pelvic Sanity and author of the incredible The Interstitial Cystitis Solution, which is an amazing resource for both patients and practitioners alike. We know that endometriosis and pelvic pain are more often than not found together, causing those of us who live with them to often feel helpless and confused as we battle two chronic conditions at one time. But Nicole takes a refreshing and almost radical approach to IC and pelvic pain in contrast to the conventional medical approach - she rarely treats the bladder itself. Instead, through extensive research and clinical practice, Nicole has identified three key areas that she addresses to see long-term remission of IC: dysfunction, inflammation and pain signals. In this episode, we discuss: How do you know if you have in