This Endolife

Advocacy without Burnout - How You Can Align Your Social Justice Work with Your Cycle with Vianney Leigh



If you have endo, you probably know what it feels like to be unseen, unheard and dismissed. The gender pain gap is a real thing, and that becomes even more difficult to overcome if you’re black or a person of colour, especially given that medicine has a history of believing back women can tolerate more pain. As a result, many of us in the endo community are doing hard work - we may be advocating for people of colour with endometriosis, like Lauren at ENDO BLACK or advocating for the LGBTQIA+ individuals, like Les at endoQueer, or perhaps you have your own awareness page, or you volunteer, or you fundraise for a charity, or perhaps you make sure you’re verbal about endo and share your story with others. Whatever it is you do, advocacy and simply spreading awareness or fighting for your rights in the doctor’s office, can be tiring work, add a chronic illness or two on top of it and the stage is set for burnout. I don’t know about you, but trying to support our community during the start of COVID19 and also t