This Endolife

Five Natural Tips to Reduce Oestrogen Dominance and Balance Hormones with Endometriosis



In episode 107 I took you through what oestrogen dominance is, the causes and the symptoms, alongside seven foods to help alleviate the hormonal imbalance. If you haven’t listened to that episode yet, go ahead and check it out, then come back to this one! But why is oestrogen dominance even a problem? Oestrogen has been shown in multiple studies to play a pivotal role in the development and growth of endometriosis, it’s why many doctors use progestin only hormonal birth control methods to possibly help lower symptoms (though not everyone responds well to this option). If we have too much oestrogen in our body, we may be further fuelling our endo and additionally, the symptoms of oestrogen dominance look a lot like endometriosis and we for sure don't want to be worsening those! So today, I’m taking you through five natural lifestyle and nutrition tips to reduce oestrogen dominance and balance hormones with endometriosis. Stress management - The body responds to stress by releasing cortisol and adrenaline.