This Endolife

Natural Treatment Options and Self-care Practices for PMDD and Endometriosis with Rebecca Sairs



Rebecca Sairs is the PMDD health coach helping people with PMDD take back control of their wellbeing with natural methods, self-care and empowering coaching. After experiencing PMDD herself, and struggling with the options of treatment available, Rebecca started down a holistic healing journey which eventually led her to specialise in PMDD as a health coach. She now helps people all over the world with the condition, and as many of us endo warriors also live with PMDD, I thought it was an essential to have her on the show! In this episode, we talk about: Rebecca’s PMDD story and what helped her to feel well again. What PMDD is and the symptoms and causes of PMDD. Her approach to managing and how that compares to the conventional approach, and whether it’s possible for those two to work in conjunction with each other. Where to start with managing PMDD. PMDD-hacks that could help people who are stuck with in-the-moment symptoms and need relief as soon as possible. Where can people find