This Endolife

The Association Between Endometriosis and Allergies



Do you have suffer with food allergies or airborne allergies? Perhaps you get fits of sneezing or watery eyes in the summer, or maybe you suffer with a chronically stuffy or runny nose? Perhaps you flare up with dairy or break out in a rash after shellfish. Sound familiar? You're not alone. Research has found a significant prevalence of allergies within the endometriosis community, showing that people with endo are at an increased risk of experiencing allergies. But without this knowledge to connect the dots, we’re often left to think that different parts of us are just falling to pieces. Whilst understanding the link can’t take the allergies away, it can certainly make us feel less crazy and give us a greater understanding of what’s happening in our bodies. In today’s episode I’m sharing some of the most important research findings regarding allergies and endometriosis. Here are some of the key takeaways: 61% of people with endo have been found to have allergies. 88% of people with endo and fibrom