This Endolife

Endometriosis, SIBO, Interstitial Cystitis and Allergies: The Histamine Connection



Endometriosis, small intestine bacterial overgrowth and allergies. What do they have in common? Histamines. Whilst these conditions are multifaceted and often don’t have one root cause, there is a clear common thread connecting them all. Here’s some key takeaways: 61% of people with endo have allergies Research has shown up to 80% of those with endo also have SIBO (some doctors argue it’s even higher at 100%) SIBO can impair the body’s ability to break down and remove histamines from the body Mast cells (the cells that make histamine) and histamines are found in high lever levels in patients with interstitial cystitis Mast cells have been found in higher levels within endometriosis lesions and have been shown to be involved within the inflammatory process of endo Endometriosis is an oestrogen driven disease and the endo lesions also increase oestrogen in the pelvic area. Oestrogen triggers mast cells to release histamines, whilst histamines can trigger further oestrogen production