This Endolife

A Very Special Thanksgiving Announcement - My Course is Here!



Happy Thanksgiving to our lovely community!   I’ve been working on something in the past few months, and as a thank you for being such an amazing bunch, I wanted to finally share it with you today.    Ever since I started This EndoLife, I wanted to make it accessible. Having worked with vulnerable groups in my past life in charity, I’ve seen first-hand the need for accessible health care. Not just in the form of conventional medicine, but in the form of empowering, alternative options that people can implement every day.   In fact, this was so much at the forefront of my mind, that when I embarked on training as a women’s health coach three years ago, my sole purpose wasn’t to do a one-to-one programme at all, but to in fact do an online course that was affordable and reached more people.    However, in order to do that, I quickly learnt that I needed the experience of one-to-one coaching and I’m so glad I did! Not only did I get to see how effective and life-changing it is, but it has been an absolute privi