This Endolife

Seven Strategies for Lowering Histamine and Reducing Allergies with Endometriosis



For the past two weeks I’ve been diving into the undeniable link between endometriosis, allergies and histamine. To give you guys a recap: 61% of people with endo have been found to have allergies. 88% of people with endo and fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome also have allergies. Mast cells (which produce histamines) have been found in higher levels within endometriosis lesions and have been shown to be involved within the inflammatory process of endo Endometriosis is an oestrogen driven disease and the endo lesions also increase oestrogen in the pelvic area. Oestrogen triggers mast cells to release histamines, whilst histamines can trigger further oestrogen production Histamines can also rise as oestrogen rises with the menstrual cycle. Today I want to explore some of the strategies I’ve been using for clearing my allergies and histamine issues, and some suggestions for methods to try yourself. This isn’t an exhaustive list and it’s also not in a particular order, as it r