This Endolife

10 Root Causes of Bloating with Endometriosis



Last week I polled 600 of you on my Instagram and 96% of you said you suffer with bloating or what is dubbed in our community as the endobelly. Additionally, only 48% of you had heard of small intestine bacterial overgrowth, which is in fact a leading cause of IBS issue such as constipation, diarrhoea and bloating within the endo population. Bloating is one of the biggest symptoms for those of us with endomertriosis, but it’s not impossible to treat. It’s not about masking the symptoms though - restricting foods to feel relief can result in more foods sensitive and nutrient deficiencies, whilst leaving the root cause to worsen over time. So ideally, want to get to the heart of the problem. There may be a few, but once you address one of the root causes, often the others begin to improve and can become easier to treat or manage. Another thing to note is rather than letting this episode overwhelm you, see it as a light shining on your gut health and revealing the clues that have been hidden to you for so lon