This Endolife

10 Strategies for Painful Sex with Endometriosis



I wanted to do an episode on the back of my 9 Root Causes of Painful Sex with Endometriosis episode, as I talk about bloating, bladder pain, brain fog and fatigue a lot, but I haven’t covered painful sex much lately.  This episode contains a range of strategies, some long-term, some more short-term and this list certainly isn’t exhaustive. Many of the changes you make to improve your endometriosis in general, such as healing the gut, are not covered here but will certainly make a difference to the pain you feel during sex. You don’t have to try all of these and you certainly don’t have to try them all at the same time, but see which ones resonate for you. TRIGGER WARNING: This podcast contains brief references to sexual trauma.  Reduce chronic inflammation - Nutrition is one of the most effective ways to reduce inflammation. Foods that cause inflammation include sugar, alcohol, trans fats, processed conventional meats, processed foods and for some; gluten, dairy and caffeine, as well as other foods grou