This Endolife

10 Root Causes of Fatigue and Brain Fog with Endometriosis



In the past few months I’ve been speaking to hundreds of you about your worst endometriosis symptoms and fatigue and brain fog have often come out on top. But why does endometriosis cause these symptoms and is endometriosis alone the sole culprit? I may now sound like a broken record, but it’s very unlikely that endometriosis can take the glory for being the one and only true cause of brain fog and fatigue. In fact, especially for those of us with endo, there’s usually a couple of other things at play. So today, I’m continuing with my series on root causes with 10 root causes of fatigue and brain fog with endometriosis. This list isn’t exhaustive, but it is an overview into some of the most common causes I see with clients, in the research and reported by the endo community. 1.    Dysregulated blood sugar - Your blood sugar levels have a direct impact on your energy and cognitive function. Glucose is the body’s primary source of fuel and comes from carbohydrates.  Complex carbohydrates like vegetables, b