This Endolife

Jo's Endo Healing Journey - How to Make Sustainable Lasting Change, Step by Step



Today I’m bringing on one of my past clients Jo to share her healing story. I wanted to chat with Jo as she’s one of my clients who did have a symptom free period in the first month and that continued, but also because she’s still working through her journey. Jo came to me with pain most of the time, and she’s now in a place where her periods are symptom free (unless something’s happened to trigger them) and she has less intense pain and less frequent pain on a daily basis. During our time together we discovered she has SIBO and so when she’s ready, the next part of her journey may look like treating that, which will further reduce her inflammation and pain. As a dancer, we also identified a real need for pelvic floor physio too, which will take her symptom improvement even further. So I really wanted to talk to Jo to demonstrate that this is a journey and that you don’t have to have complete resolution over night to feel better or in control. I also wanted to share Jo’a journey because I think Jo’s approa