This Endolife

Struggling with Eating for Endo?



Today’s episode is a special mini-episode from my live Q&A call with my Live and Thrive with Endo Course coaching group. The questions they’ve been asking have been amazing and I know will resonate with many of you, so I decided to share some of my answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. In this episode I’m talking about what to do if you’re struggling to make anti-inflammatory diet changes that stick - my answer might surprise you! In this episode I discuss: Whether you have to be on a 100% strict anti-inflammatory diet to lower inflammation Whether you can have ‘treats’ and what’s often commonly referred to as ‘cheat days’ (though I really don’t like that term!) How to make sustainable and lasting change that feels doable and realistic Tips for keeping in your favourite foods. Lastly, I want to emphasise that this is a direct answer to a direct question from a student who's eating an anti-inflammatory diet and struggling with it. This is not blanket advice for every