This Endolife

My SIBO Treatment: An Update



A few of you have been asking how my SIBO treatment has been going and to celebrate Endometriosis Awareness Month, I’ve been doing a series of lives discussing endo and SIBO. As part of this, I decided to jump onto Instagram Live to give a full update and to answer your SIBO questions. I also wanted to share it here in case you guys missed it. In this podcast episode I’m sharing… My SIBO levels for methane and hydrogen, and why I decided to treat for hydrogen sulfide as well. My experience with antimicrobials, especially high dose oregano, allicin, atrantil, silver hydrosol, uva ursi and bismuth formulas. The updates around hydrogen sulfide treatment and bacteria. My experience with natural prokinetics and the challenges I faced having interstitial cystitis whilst taking them (some prokinetic ingredients can worsen IC). My experience with die off and ways to manage and reduce. When I’m retesting and my next treatment option and how to time retesting. What I’m doing to prevent relap