This Endolife

Sophie's story: Treating SIBO, Candida and Histamine Intolerance with Endo



Do you have endometriosis and struggle with the ‘endo belly’? Do you have fatigue and brain fog? Maybe you have other unusual symptoms like swelling or puffiness, rashes or skin conditions like eczema or rosacea. If any of these sound familiar, you may not just be dealing with endo alone. I’ve only ever done one other client story, but judging by the number of downloads, you guys found it helpful so I thought I’d share another! This is Sophie’s story of treating SIBO, candida and histamine intolerance whilst living with endo. I wanted to share Sophie’s story because her case is complex and her healing path hasn’t been easy or linear, and so for those of you who are struggling right now or feel overwhelmed by the idea of taking on SIBO, I think you’ll find Sophie’s experience, her hope, her patience and her perseverance inspiring. Sophie came to me due to her painful sex symptoms, bloating and histamine reactions. We quickly discussed that severe SIBO was at the root of most of her issues (the painful sex we