This Endolife

Three Common Causes of Leaky Gut with Endo and Tips to Heal



As you guys know, endo is a full body disease which causes a host of symptoms throughout the body and also often comes with co-conditions that trigger these symptoms, heighten them or add new ones. IBS issues are a problem for many people with endo and it’s important to address these, not by masking but by getting to the root causes. The reason why getting to the root cause is so important is because gut inflammation is a key cause of pelvic pain and could even contribute to the continued growth of endo. Seventy percent of your immune system is in and around your gut and inflammation is simply a normal immune response. Inflammatory immune cells are released in response to injury, infection, bacteria or some kind of threat and these inflammatory cells cause swelling, pain and heat as they get to work on healing the area. Now leaky gut or intestinal permeability occurs when tiny holes appear in the gut lining. Think of the gut lining as a sausage skin, it’s a tube from the mouth to the colon that seperates w