This Endolife

My Experience of the Elemental Diet for SIBO



If you have bloating or what’s commonly known as the endo belly - SIBO is something to pay attention to. Small intestine bacterial overgrowth is incredibly common within the endometriosis community, in fact, recent research has shown that up to 80% of endometriosis patients may have SIBO. So how can you treat it if you test positive? One of the treatment options is the elemental diet, and today’s episode is all about my experience of the elemental diet for SIBO. Those of you who are following my SIBO journey may know that I’ve already completed three rounds of antimicrobials, to find out how that went, have a listen to episode 126 - My SIBO Treatment: An Update. After three rounds my hydrogen was at 63ppm and my methane levels were at 10ppm, given that the elemental diet reduces gas levels by 70ppm on average, this seemed like a good time to try the elemental diet and potentially clear my SIBO in one final round. So what is the elemental diet? The elemental diet is a powdered (sometimes liquid) formula tha