This Endolife

Foundational Steps to Healing HPA Axis Dysfunction with Endo



So, now you’ve learnt all about the link between HPA axis dysfunction and endometriosis, in today’s episode I want to provide you with some of the core foundational strategies for healing HPA axis dysfunction.  Before I dive in, I do want to state that healing HPA axis dysfunction can take some time, especially if you’re prone to living in the flight or fight response – so what I mean is, you’re default mode is feeling stressed, or anxious, or you spend a lot of time rushing around or over-committing yourself to endless to-do lists. If this sounds like you, don’t worry, that’s me too, and it’s many of my clients and for those of us who are like that, it can take some deep unlearning of these patterns before we can really get to see significant improvement. We can certainly feel better, and many do, but I think to really thrive and not keep returning to this cycle of low cortisol burnout, we need to change some of these habits. So, for example, one of my clients loves to work and runs her own business like I