This Endolife

Rachael's Endo and PMDD Healing Story



Today we’re doing something a little different. For the past few weeks I’ve been recording testimonial videos with people who have taken my course, and I really wanted to share some of these stories because they’re just so incredible. I know a lot of you expressed an interest in hearing more positive and uplifting real life experiences with managing endo, and as I personally found these stories so inspiring, I thought you guys might as well.  So I’m starting with Rachael’s story and I’ll leave Rachael to share her experience in the podcast, but to give you an overview, Rachael was suffering with PMDD, chronic fatigue that was affecting her ability to work and painful (endo) periods which required her to use opioids to get through. She’d recently had excision surgery but was still suffering with an array of symptoms and was feeling desperate and didn’t know what else to try. Once Rachael started the course, through making nutritional and lifestyle changes, Rachael was able to: Stop using opioids to get he