This Endolife

Neisha's Endo Healing Story: Recovering from Chronic Allergies, Coming Off the Pill and Eating for Endo



As some of you know, I’ve been a bit sick recently with suspected shingles! As a result, I am just in too much pain to sit and record an episode, so today I am sharing another healing story. This time, I’m chatting to Neisha. I wanted to share Neisha’s experience because I think her story will resonate with many of you because she just discusses so many relevant topics. Neisha started my course Live and Thrive with Endo on the pill (though she didn’t want to be on it and didn’t feel well with it), severe period pain, low moods, fatigue and severe allergy reactions. Working through the course she now feels well pretty much all of the time, her allergies and hay fever have disappeared, she has tonnes of energy, she has transitioned off the pill and she has better moods and feels empowered about managing endo. Before we dive in I wanted to just let you know that this chat with Neisha was originally recorded as a testimonial for the course, but the course is closed now and won’t be open again until next year -