This Endolife

Endo and PMS: The Key to Reducing Mood Swings, Anxiety and Low Moods in Your Luteal Phase



Okay so a while ago I ran a poll about PMS and endo, and I wanted to know what symptoms you struggle with. Turns out, the majority of you get low moods during your luteal phase. In fact, out of the hundreds of you who entered the poll, 93% of you said you struggle with low moods and mood swings during your luteal phase. So today’s episode is the first in a two part series. Today I’m going to take you through one of the key causes of PMS mood swings and I’m going to provide you with my go-to strategy for starting to tackle it, and then in the second episode, I’ll be taking you through the secondary causes and strategies.   So number one, where we’re starting, is to balance your blood sugar, and truly, this is one of the most important things you can do if you want to improve your moods during this time, lower inflammation and balance your hormones. This is really key and this is why I’m starting here. If you’ve got your blood sugar sorted, then clearly this isn’t your main cause and the next two causes in th