This Endolife

What You Need to Know About SIBO with Endo 101



For the next few weeks I’m experimenting with something new - two episodes a week! I’ll be releasing my usual podcast episode and a live Q&A recording, so anyone who doesn’t follow me on Instagram can tune in there. I want to see how you guys like this format and then if it’s something that is working well, we’ll keep to two a week for the most part. As a result of this new change, this week’s first episode is a recording of my SIBO live Q&A. Small intestine bacterial overgrowth in our community is a big, big deal. Current research has shown that possibly 80% of us with endo have SIBO, and having SIBO may even be a risk factor for developing endo in the first place... BUT having endo can also cause SIBO so it’s a real chicken or the egg scenario. In this Q&A I break down: The stats behind SIBO and IBS with endo The treatments for SIBO: antimicrobials, antibiotics or the elemental diet. Why you can’t just treat it with one round of over the counter herbs (there are specific time frames and quanti