This Endolife

Endo and PMS: Low Mood, Low Progesterone, Low GABA



A few weeks ago, I shared an episode on addressing low moods in your luteal phase (that’s your premenstrual phase, which occurs after ovulation and lasts around two weeks), and I started with low blood sugar. In this episode, I want to talk about the other common issue which can cause low moods at this time of your cycle, and that’s low progesterone. I was originally going to also talk about low neurotransmitters as well, but actually just low progesterone alone has so many parts to it (and I didn’t even touch upon them all!) that I think it would be good to separate this theme into three episodes, so one on blood sugar, one on low progesterone and one on low neurotransmitters. That way, you can work on an area and observe the difference, rather than trying to address all the issues at once, when some of them may not even be relevant to you.  If you haven’t listened to my previous episode, then I really strongly suggest you start there and begin balancing your blood sugar first, because you may not even nee